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Thursday, February 28, 2008

It's should not be always perfect.

Perfect is a state of mind achieved with the feeling of ecstasy. A time when our body secretes those happy cells fooling our brains to fulfillment. Bliss is how writers or those gifted with thesaurus like vocabulary would call it. In order for men to speak, they give names to what they see, feel, taste, smell or hear. But little they know what name they call it when you experienced something extraordinary, something that can't be explained, now that's what we call perfect. However, what do we call its opposite? Hell?

Perfection for some is like getting to Heaven, attaining Nirvana, the good Karma. Some follows their belief, traditions or cultures. Others would just say, it happens. For women, it's like meeting your Prince Charming. Communism too aims to be in that same stage, where everyone is equal, a state where you get is what is equal to the amount of work you give to your state and according to your necessity. Everything in excess should be returned to the state. Question is, how to get into that point without blood spill? Would the bourgeois allow such a radical change and surrender everything they own? Not in this world, but maybe in the afterlife.

Life is consequential. As science explains, in every motion, there is always an equal but opposite reaction. Now ask yourself, that in attaining perfection, do we not hurt others? Do we not discriminate others? As the old law saying goes "the right to exercise your right stops when someone else's right is infringed. In our search for perfection, do we consider other's life too? Men are social animals, insatiable. The more things we know, the more our thirst for more comes. It will never be enough, it's because since we are young, we we're never told to settle for what we have. They teach us to dream, to be better individuals; it’ just up to us though to go to the road less traveled or the other way around, just think that life should not be always be perfect.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

The Next Hugh Hefner

There's been a lot of buzz lately that one can earn just by blogging, and as the prices of commodity goes skyrocketing and with an impending EDSA 3, let's all go blogging then. Hell yeah, this is better than selling tocino or longganisa, which I was actually planning to do when my then girlfriend now my ex-wife told me that she's pregnant.

I created this blog quite a way back, just to feel the hang of it. As I said, it would only be my canvass to paint my life into. I am or should I say was a writer, but what I did was purely fiction, and sitcoms now it's like a "I want to be a celebrity, bring me in front of the camera thing". I'm now letting the whole world know what's going on with my life.

Now I can't sleep at night as I want to push things to the limit and explore the possibility of putting up my own website not just a blog. Whoah! As they say, think big and it will be done. I hope. This is no easy task though. What can a concept do without learning "the code" - HTML.

I know I should be seeking professional help with this one, but I'm too privy with my work that I don't want someone breaking in this well thought of concept which may cost a million from today. So I decided to torture myself more in decoding these computer languages better than English or Filipino just to make my dream of becoming the next Hugh Hefner come true. How about that for a motivation?

Monday, February 25, 2008

The Resurrection of a Roller Coaster Rider

Gandhi once said, when I go to sleep at night I die, and when the morning comes I'm reborn. Or something to that effect. Well, here I am, alive and kicking!

Life is indeed one hell of a roller coaster ride, but my ride is no easy, and I don't intend to go that way again. At 24, it seems that, that coaster I've been on was travelling 250mph. I was employed at 19, got married at 20, became a father at 21, now three years later, I'm back from being single. Now that's what I call a true roller coaster ride. Lolz.

It's not that I'm happy about it, but it's really funny how life can make a you go loose your screws sometimes. It's just upto you if you want to tighten those screws a bit, or lose your grip of reality. A clear choice between two lesser evils.

It's upto you though to guess which evil side I am right now.